From our clinic in Harley St. London, we help clients to optimise health and wellbeing through nutrition.
We offer one to one consultations with a professional nutritionist, and packages tailored to your specific health and nutritional needs.
Book a free 15 minute discovery call with one of our Nutritionists to figure out how we can help you optimise your health today.
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Professional London Nutritionist
My name is Clarissa and I’d like to welcome you to Clarissa Lenherr Nutrition – a team of Registered London Nutritionists, who are here to help optimise your health.
From our clinic in Harley St. London and online, our team of Nutritionists and Registered Nutritional Therapists take the science of nutrition and convert it into easy-to-implement strategies for our clients to achieve their ultimate wellbeing.
As Nutritionists, we work closely with families, individuals and corporations from London and all over the UK, specialising in digestive health, auto-immune conditions, weight management and health optimisation.
Practicing personalised and preventative nutrition, we are huge advocates of the no “one-size-fits-all” approach.
When not in my clinical practice, I host Workplace Wellness seminars designed to foster a healthier, happier and more productive workforce.
Accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi at vero eos et vitae feugiat magna
Andrew Darwin
Celebrate Our Love
30 August 2020
Wedding Ceremony
- +1-202-555-0191
Wedding Party
- +1-202-555-0191
Reception Party
- +1-202-555-0191